In the previous section, we discussed the deactivation of a file system, which is the freevxf file server, which is the primary file system of hp-Ux servers. In general, deactivating unused file systems reduces the possibility of attacks on the system.

modprobe -n -v freevxfs

The output of the above command will be as follows:

install /bin/true

Then enter:

lsmod | grep freevxfs

This command will not output. This means that this module is not loaded in the kernel. (if there is no output) As a result, to deactivate the config file in the following path, we create it.

vim /etc/modprobe.d/freevxfs.conf

Enter into the file:

install freevxfs /bin/true

Then we will have the module to remove (unload):

rmmod freevxfs

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